Talking in Parenthesis: Just Random Ramblings

Talking in Parenthesis

Ramblings and angst from a mostly stay at home mom

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us. It is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. -Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just Random Ramblings

~I love shopping on line,the prices are great and the selection just can't be beat at places like Amazon. But I want my stuff! I have decided to teach myself HTML. (And yes I know there is sites out there that are free, but I like having a book.) I want to surprise my Dad by setting up a website for his art. He is a very talented artist and I would love to set up a site for him to sell his work. So I found some great books at Barnes and Noble, came home checked the price on Amazon and with the free shipping saved tons. So now I am just waiting, and waiting and waiting. Did I mention I hate waiting? Hopefully it will be here tomorrow.

~Do any of you get those telemarketing calls that ask you to wait for the next available person? Those are the ones I hate the most, how rude to call me them basically put me on hold. Now I am on that do not call list, but still I get the calls.

~The is great here today. Sunny and almost 60. And frankly it is depressing to me. I think I have SAD in reverse. I want grey, cold, cloudy and snowing. It is winter for crying out loud. In Colorado, it is supposed to snow! Or at the very least be cold enough to wear a sweater without risking a heat stroke.

~Emma just shared with me what she wants to be when she grows up. A bunny, one that hops. When do we change for wanting to be a bunny to a real career? Alli has, she has 3 careers picked either police officer, baby doctor (and this one has Emma being the doctor that babies out of mom's tummies) or a drawer (I think that is an artist)

Well I think that is all the random odd thoughts I have going right now. Clay is due home from the Keystone Science School, where he has been all weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Hey the sun went behind a cloud, Yippee!


Blogger Wendi said...

Oh my, I am the exact same way with the weather right now. It has been a very warm winter so far here in the northeast (40's, 50's, and even some mid 60's!!) Very unusual for us. We havent even received 8" of snow this entire season (I will probably jinx myself and we will end up with a blizzard next month). I want cold, dark, and grey weather for a while. I want to wake up and realize it snowed during the night and my husband is out cleaning the driveway so he can get to work. Then I want to bitch about the weather being so crappy!! Crazy, huh? Not to mention the fact that I put away all my spring/summer/fall clothes in the attic, and only have warm winter clothes down here. I think the girls have only worn their winter "feetie" pjs once or twice since December!!

I think part of the reason I hate the warm weather right now is the fact it gets dark so early (4:30pm). I like it when it stays light out until 8pm or so and we can hang around outside in the evenings.

Oh I hate telemarketers!!! The other day one called and had the nerve to ask how I was! I screamed, "I was better before you called, you people are driving me crazy! Stop calling, if my husband or myself are ever interested in anything you have to offer, we will track you down and call YOU!!" The man just said "Oh ok, I am sorry your not feeling well today, but can I offer you....." At that point I just said "Stop calling here" and hung up. ARGH!!! Stupid people!!

6:50 AM  

Blogger Gwen said...

Oh you guys have no idea what warm weather is!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! You can't wear a sweater if it is 60??? Heck we are in coats at 60!!! LOL!!!! I always laugh about this because it's all in what your used to. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get snow every once in a while but alas if it snowed here it could quite possibly be considered a national holiday! LOL!!! We are having a very warm winter as well but all I'm hoping for are some days that it doesn't get above 60!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! I hope you get your dreary weather!

4:13 PM  

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