It is another one of those days. The little things are driving me crazy and it sort of makes me feel guilty. I know there are people much worse off than me but... I can't help but be annoyed when the shower doesn't get turned off right and it hit me in the back of the head when I put the girls in the tub. When I look over at the desk trash can and notice it hasn't been emptied since the last time I did it and people are balancing things ala Simpson's now. I walk upstairs and am greeted by the dog, which was begged or on bended knee mind you, that has been walked yet. Now I don't mind taking him out, I enjoy it just not before my daily hit of caffeine. AARRGGHHH. Not to mention I bashed my toe and it hurts like the dickens and is all black, blue and purple. And not a nice royal purple, an angry, ugly purple. Plus I forgot to send back my Netflix movies so I don't have a new VDO movie this weekend. I suppose I could watch Strange Days again, but that is definitely not a feel good movie. However it does support my most shallow of theories. That people with bad hair ultimately will fail. Now for me bad hair is in the eye of me, the beholder of this theory. Bad hair s more about attitude than actually hair. Einstein would be an example. In some circles his hair could be consider bad,but not to me. He owned his hair, it fit on him. The Donald, well the jury is still out on that one. But back to Strange Days, both Burton and Dwayne had bad hair, although Dwayne's was slightly less than Burton's. And they were definitely bad guys, not on the fence at all. I don't know if I will watch that again this weekend or not, sort of a hard movie to watch. Frankly I don't know if I will have time to watch a movie anyways. I work Sunday and Saturday Brit has the Veteran's Day parade downtown. So we are hauling everyday down there to him. Major troop movement, probably will show up at NORAD.
Well this didn't really end up the way I had started but I ran out of steam. More later, maybe a list. I am in a listy sort of mood.
Posted by Megan : 9:27 AM :
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