Talking in Parenthesis
Ramblings and angst from a mostly stay at home mom
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us. It is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. -Nelson Mandela
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Three Things Thursday
Three things that put me in a less than good mood in the morning.
1. The landscape people using the stupid leaf blower at 7am! Please, can we not wait until 8 or 9? I hate those stupid things to begin with and hearing them the first thing in the morning?
2. Coming upstairs and finding out that my oldest didn't "have time" to clean the kitchen. In a house with 6 kids everybody has clearly laid out chores. The only reason these chores may be skipped is for schoolwork. This is now being abused by the oldest.
3. Five minutes before the younger kids are to leave to wait for the bus somebody tells me I can't find my shoes, homework, backpack, jacket, whatever. Also in a house with 6 kids everything has a place, shoes, jackets, backpacks, etc. The idea behind this is if it put away as soon as you are done with it, I don't have to chase after you to put it away. This concept is introduced basically at birth. So when the 8 and almost 11 year old forget I want to scream, especially when they wait until last minute.
Well know you have my morning in a nutshell. Sort of a perfect storm of pet peeves this morning. I am feeling better now, the sun is bright, the sky is a beautiful blue and Franklin has his play tonight.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Is it Wednesday already?
Springtime in the Rockies brought snow and cold the first couple of days this week. But the weather is great now. And while I know that I said I don't like floral smells, I guess I should have said most. The lilacs are in bloom now and I love their smell. The real things, the flowers, no bottles, no sprays, but the real flowers. I walk past a bunch of them on my way to and from the bus stop.
We made a decision on letting Clay go to Minnesota for 2 months this summer. We have decided against it. Many reasons, but the biggest is I just don't think he is grown up enough to handle it, that long. And maybe I am over protective, but so be it, that is my job. I know he is disappointed and thinks that I am treating him like a baby but... He has to prove to me he is ready. He has done a few things this last month in school, copying a report off the internet, getting caught, lying about it, and doing it again would be the biggest, that make us feel he isn't ready. And there is part of me that feels like some of it is my fault. If I had done this different or done that instead. If I wasn't so hard on him or harder. To even if I hadn't worked so much when I was pregnant. What is it about being a mom that makes us feel so much guilt? (See Gwen it isn't just you, we all feel this way) He doesn't seen to understand how serious all of this is and that is what bothers me the most. And I don't know how to change it.
I guess the answer to everything is to just have faith...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Three Things Thursday
1. Someday I want to learn to tat lace. I had a great aunt that used to tat but I never paid any attention when I was younger and now it is too late. And since nobody was interested in her hobbies and she had no children all her stuff got given away. That makes me sad.
2. I dislike most traditional flowery smells. I prefer citrus and spicy scents instead. Over powering floral stuff gives me a huge headache and makes me very crabby.
3. I am the only one in the house that can make a paper airplane that actually flies.
Monday, April 17, 2006
New Toy
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Three Things Thursday
1. One of my favorite things is to wander around new grocery stores. Look at the different brands, at least different than what my store has.
2. I love to paint. Not pictures, but walls. It is very satisfying to leave a room with beautiful, perfect new walls.
3. After reading Shelia's post it hit me again. I don't have a home anymore. My folks moved out of the house I grew up in about 7 years ago. Silly I know, I'm grown and have my own home now. But it makes me a little sad anyhow.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Letting Go
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The Tuesday that feels like Monday
Okay so in that vein I am going to post just some random things that me happy to try and get a more positive outlook.
Things that currently make me happy
- the first dandelions of the spring and Alli and Emma's reaction to finding them.
- waking up to robins singing
- watching Buddy find the perfect sunbeam to nap in.
- watching Spike figure out and chase his very first fly. Pretty, and cats don't always land on their feet
- realizing the phrase Olee just said was new. He is over 20 words now
- finding a new series of books and on sale
- a cold diet wild cherry Pepsi
- watching the girls run
- seeing Britty's face light up when he answers the phone, I think a girls is involved but no confirmation on that.
- a new magazine or catalog in the mail
Okay I am now in a better mood now...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Three Things Thursday
The theme this week is 3 Hobbies...
1. Counted Cross Stitch is my favorite hobby. I sometimes sow down but I always go back. It is very satisfying to take a piece of blank material and watch a picture take shape. It is also very zen for me, relaxing.
2. Reading is my next passion. There hasn't been a time since I learned to read that I don't have at least 2 books going. I read everything, the phonebook (yes I seriously read the new ones when they come out), the newspaper and novels.
3. I guess cooking and collecting recipes and cookbooks would be next. I love creating things in the kitchen, anything, sweets, main dishes you name it. And I love reading collecting and recipes, even if I might not ever make them.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Toothy Update
Now for the next task. Clay has his last home baseball game, so we are off to that. He says I am his good luck charm since he played so well the last game I went to. I love that kid...